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Search Ads Campaigns not spending daily budget

1 Posts
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What would you do if you realise your search ads not longer spends even half of your daily budget you set for it?


This happened to me recently, and refreshed the Ads within the Ad groups with new headlines and descriptions, but the situation still persist.

1 Answer

There are many reasons it could happen. However, the first thing to know is whether the ads was spending the entire budget before or not.


If it was spending the entire budget before, did you make any changes to the campaign?


If it was not spending the budget from the start, then you can look into the following:


1. Target location. For instance, if you target search ads to a city with low population and your budget is high, you might not be spending the entire budget.

2. Your target keywords. If your keywords have low search volume, you might not be getting a lot of impressions and clicks. In this situation, you won't be spending your entire budget.

3. Your CPC limit. If you set a low CPC limit and you're targeting places with low population, you won't be getting enough clicks.


There are more things to consider as well.


However, for now, go ahead and check the impressions and the CTR and share the data on this thread for further diagnosis.


